HAPLAST offers durable reclosable plastic zipper bags for all your packaging needs, that are excellent for showcasing both food and non-food items with safe packaging and clear presentation. These reclosable bags are certified with FDA and USDA specifications, so you can be assured that your food related products will be safe.
Versatile & Durable Plastic Zipper Bags
Examples of things you can put into these durable reclosable plastic zipper bags include nuts, candies, baked goods, and most non-food items. These bags have great vapor and moisture barriers to help keep your food content inside the bag fresh and have an extended shelf life.
If you need a bag that can easily display your products, our reclosable polypropylene bags have excellent clarity to enhance the presentation of your products. Because these bags feature a single-track ziptop closure, you will not need a heat sealer or twist ties to close them.
HAPLAST’s durable reclosable plastic zipper bags provide extra durability for heavy, irregular shapes, and sharp items, even screws or needles.
HAPLAST Custom Capabilities
HAPLAST can manufacture a diverse range of customized bags, pouches, tubing, sheets, and practically any packaging products you can imagine.
If you require a reclosable bag with extra strong closure, our double zipper plastic bags are an excellent choice.
If you need to display products for retail or for your own internal organization, you can consider our reclosable bags with hang holes. These bags are used for applications where the bag and its contents might need to be hung from a peg board. The zip-locking bag has a center round hole, on the top lip of the bag, that will fit virtually any style hook found on a peg board or Point Of Sale display.
Order Wholesale Durable Plastic Zipper Bags Today
If you have any questions about our durable plastic zipper bags, please contact our customer service specialists to get the answers you need or click on “Free Design & Discount”.